Wido Io Wow Add Ons Flight Map Enhanced Times Upload

Older news:

I am very pleased to nowadays you lot the new section Attractions on EDDB. Under this section yous will find all "things" which y'all cannot dock to, simply which are worth a visit. At the moment these tin can be settlements, installations, abandoned bases, shipwrecks and beacons.

  • Settlements were completely moved from the station section to the new allure department. As a event, all stations are now dockable by definition.
  • The possibility to edit stations on ROSS has been deactivated, since this information is updated 100% via EDDN.
  • In contrast, attractions cannot currently be created or updated automatically and must be manually managed on ROSS.
  • I tried to start the feature with as many initial attractions as possible. A lot of dissimilar data sources were imported initially.
  • To avert that manual maintenance of the data records leads to a deterioration of the data quality, attractions can be updated with two different admission levels. Every normal user logged on to ROSS may only update certain backdrop such as the controlling faction. A special user grouping with more permissions tin be assigned on request.
  • Settlements: Over 50,000 settlements could be imported from many sources. With the insane help of DJA, it was possible to precisely assign the specific characteristics of most of the settlements. This includes in particular the presence of data materials. Now information technology is possible to filter settlements by materials.
  • Installations: The data quality of the installations is non quite as expert as for the settlements. Almost 20,000 records are currently available. If you are very familiar with the specific characteristics of the different installations, feel free to contact me and then that we can improve the data quality together.
  • Beacons: As information source for beacons this list was used. At the moment there are 667 tourist beacons on EDDB.
  • Abandoned Bases and Shipwrecks: The entries of both groups were created 100% manually. 52 abandoned bases and 18 shipwrecks are currently known to me and are largely complete. For almost all entries pictures of DJA or Canonn are available (Thanks!). An exact consignment of materials and bolt is non nonetheless available. However, this can exist manually maintained by every user on ROSS.
  • All in all the development of the whole characteristic took much longer than expected. I tend to refactor certain parts of the source code when I find something. This can inevitably atomic number 82 to unexpected bugs.
  • Therefore: If y'all constitute a bug or have suggestions for comeback, don't hesitate to contact me (@themroc) on our EDCD Discord.

The arrival of Fleet Carriers brought virtually some necessary changes on EDDB. Prices were all over the place and as of at present we accept no way to automatically update landing permissions for Carriers.

  • All trading helper have Fleet Carriers disabled by default.
  • The commodity particular page (eg Tritium) besides has Carriers disabled on all views past default.
  • The Multi Hop Trade Route Finder has been enhanced with a minimum need and minimum supply choice.
  • The station filter in all trading helper have planetary stations enabled by default. This prevents deadlocks in some trading configurations.
  • Three new station facilities accept been added and can be used equally a filter in the Station Finder: Armada Carrier Vendor, Fleet Carrier Administration and Interstellar Factors. Information technology takes some time until all stations are updated with EDDN data.

A dark mode was by far the virtually requested feature for EDDB. And now it is finally hither.

When I started developing EDDB 5 years ago, I had not prepared the site for multi-themes. And the longer I waited, the more hard it would go to rework the associated source code to make information technology multi-theme capable. A complete refactoring of the SCSS was necessary (moving all color values in variables and generalizing structures) and that took some fourth dimension. Although information technology took really long, I hope y'all savor it. If you encounter any problems regarding legibility or contrast, please practise not hesitate to contact me.

I wish all commanders out there a fantastic 2020 o7.

I'm pleased to announce that EDDB has (finally) been updated for the new iii.3 update. Since a lot of internal stuff changed, errors could happen. Please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord if you experience whatsoever unexpected behavior.

  • Consummate rewrite of the EDDN parser. This allows ameliorate mistake detection and cleaner data import. Information technology took far longer than I anticipated. I'm very happy with the current solution though, so it was worth it.
  • Adding all new commodities, ships and transport modules.
  • Adding all new fidelity and government types.
  • Adapting EDDB to the new faction beliefs: Factions at present have multiple states which get inherited by their controlled systems and stations.
  • Many niggling fixes I forgot to keep rail of
  • For now the EDDN body parsing has been disabled. This should not take a big impact, since a lot of bodies have been imported already. I expect to get the parsing back within a week.

API Update! The nightly dump schema has been updated. Bank check the API page for more data.

Update: This has been fixed! Unfortunately Frontiers API for prices, outfitting and shipyard is still offline. This leads to EDMC or other apps not working for price updates right at present. EDDBs road finder is possibly outdated. All we can do at present is wait for Frontier to fix their API. Until and so - good luck in finding assisting routes

EDDB has been prepared for all the 2.4 changes. This includes arrangement renames, new modules and Journal changes. However, some stuff needs farther investigation.

Update: This has been kindly submitted. Thanks! More than specifically we demand a raw Periodical file dump of an FsdJump event for the system Rohini and of a Docking issue for the station Eudaemon Anchorage in that system. Yous can bring together our Discord Server to go in touch on with me (username themroc).

You can read more on the API folio. If yous use the files, please change your import script appropriately!

With the upcoming release of Aristocracy: Dangerous 2.2 and the introduction of the journal (find out more than almost it hither, here, here, hither and here) the third party developer community will have an awesome opportunity to programmatically know what's going on in the game. In practice this means that with EDMC (or some other application supporting the journal and EDDN) every thespian will be able to update more than data on EDDB automatically without using ROSS. This includes body information on detailed scan, black market prices on illegal commodity sale, or faction data on system inflow or station docking. This is an opportunity since merely at present we are able to continue rails of factions and their country and system/station presence throughout the universe. And of course I had to have that opportunity and enhance EDDB.

Overall changes on EDDB and ROSS

  • Factions are a seperate entity now and tin can be updated on ROSS.
  • Allegiance, authorities and land of a system or a station are now existence auto-updated past specifically setting the controlling faction and its state at a organization. All other systems and stations which the faction control, inherit these too.
  • On EDDB factions tin can exist searched with the Modest Faction Search & Finder. If you come up upwardly with another filter that could exist useful for you, drop me a message on Discord (@themroc).
  • The Organization Finder and Station Finder have been adjusted to filter your issue by a specific faction.

Wanna know more than about the internals? Read more hither!

The way factions work on EDDB has been reworked from scratch. Before this update, it worked like this:

  • The arrangement and the station tables each had a cord property faction which could be edited freely.
  • The state, allegiance and government had to exist set indivdually for each system and station.
  • There was no interconnection.

With this update almost everything has changed:

  • The system and station tables still have private allegiance government and state properties. Those can non be updated manually and inherit their values from the controlling faction
  • In that location is an individual faction table now. Information technology holds home system, government, allegiance and if information technology'southward a histrion faction. Y'all can scan the list and create new factions on the designated ROSS overview page.
  • The faction table also contains a global faction state property which is read but and gets updated automatically.
  • The system and station tables both have a controlling faction belongings now.
  • The arrangement now accumulates multiple instances of faction presence, which save the influence and the organization specific land of every faction present at the system.
  • Irresolute the specific faction system state of a faction in a organization:
    • If the faction system state is a conflict state (war, ceremonious war or election), only the global faction country inherits that. Every other faction system land (in every other system the faction is present) falls back to none.
    • For every other state, every faction system state in every other organisation inherits the global faction land value likewise.
    • If a faction controls a system or a station, the local state gets updated from the faction system state
  • Irresolute the decision-making faction of a system or a station:
    • The allegiance and government of the system are changed to the faction values.
    • The system state is changed to the system faction state value.

And so much about the internals. The problem (yes, of course, we got one...): The whole faction information quality on EDDB is utterly bad. It was just non possible to keep faction and land information up 2 date. Right now the system state and station state are not in sync with the system faction state of the controlling faction. Same goes for fidelity and regime. I simply don't know what'south more than up2date. I decided to keep those untouched and merely added the factions to the system without the implications described earlier. Simply subsequently the first change on ROSS or via EDDN will stuff be updated. I hope that this strategy will lead to the least errors. And in time, everything will make it gild.

Relish o7

The official introduction of the detailed distribution of materials on bodies fabricated the logging almost obsolete.

  • The place to input cloth data is ROSS at present. Beneath the ring input area, a material input area has been established. It is now possible to set specific distribution based material information for every body.
  • The material logger history has been purged. Instead yous tin can detect all changes on the Database Change History page on ROSS.
  • And of course the Bodies - Search & Detect page has been pimped likewise! For every material that is searched in the finder, a seperate sortable column with the distribution value is added to the upshot list. This will make it easy to find the right body for your demands!
  • Unfortunately, with this update it is non possible to add together material data to rings anymore, only bodies and belts are supported now. This might change at a later signal though.

Savour o7

Over the past months I was working on the goal to make bodies of ED a part of EDDB too. It had to be complete in terms of data data. And it had to offering the search & observe experience like the Systems or Stations Finder. I believe that goal has been achieved.

  • Every bit usual, ROSS acts as the backend and registered users are able to edit every single torso detail. You lot can start on the Body Overview.
  • That said, EDDB is able to hold information for every kind of body in the ED galaxy. This includes (meaty) stars, planets, belts and rings. Every blazon got its ain data ready. What you come across on EDDB can be updated on ROSS.
  • Element Materials: EDDB offers functionality for logging and finding materials. With the Fabric Logger you tin very easily tell EDDB what you found where (y'all need to exist logged in). And with the Trunk Finder you can set filters to detect bodies yielding materials.
  • Resource Extraction Sites: EDDB has records of rings and belts (once more, add them on ROSS). With the Trunk Finder you tin can find the Pristine and Metal Rich site nigh you!
  • Statistics: The Body Search & Finder gives you unlimited filter possibilities. Additionally y'all tin select any body property available as extra consequence column and sort by information technology. With this it's easy to find extreme bodies and their follow ups hands.

A big thanks goes to CMDR Ian Baristan. Just with his aid I was able to offer the huge corporeality of body images. The goal was never to get a 100% exact paradigm organisation, merely to rather detect default images that match the trunk roughly. Rings are not being visualized yet, just I'm sure I will find a manner for this soon.

With the great help of CMDR Wolzan, the author of Elite Milky way Online, EDDB can commencement with more than than 5000 bodies. He supplied very loftier quality data from his site. Last but not least, thanks to CMDR Nexolek for the great inspiration and especially his chemical element fabric base data.

I promise you enjoy the new features. If yous feel like something's missing, feel free to contact me. You lot can find me in the QuakeNet IRC channel #eddb (Web Client) or on the EDCD Discord Server.

What's side by side? My next pace volition be the nightly JSON dump for bodies. Also, I wanna look into a way to import Captains Log bodies. Only first I need a niggling break :)

PS: Overall I pushed 50 commits and changed or created 212 files with 10677 additions and 532 deletions.

Even older news:

  • 27-05-16: Engineers!

    • ED Market Connector received an update and should work perfectly fine now.
    • New Modules accept been added.
    • New Commodities have been added.
  • 17-05-16: Bugfixing here and there...

    • Powerplay was broken and got fixed multiple times.
    • A jQuery update broke a selector which atomic number 82 to the commodity price development nautical chart not working anymore. That'due south fixed now too.
    • I'chiliad sure I did more inside the final month. Stuff I wish I'd remember now :)
    • This is the system analogue to the Station Search & Find helper.
    • Filter by Allegiance, Power Faction, Station Precense and many more.
    • Sort past different properties similar the altitude to your location.
  • 01-01-16: Happy New year 2016!

    • The Single Route Finder, the Loop Route Finder and the Multi Hop Merchandise Road Finder now can be filtered by Powers!
    • EDDB is now fully linked with EDSM. This required the cleanup of ~100 systems being wrong or not existing. Besides, EDDB at present correctly maps those oddities: www.edsm.net/systems/pairs . That means, from at present on the systems One thousand Carinae, V2389 Orionis, C Puppis, Arti, Naraka and Alma be twice on EDDB. The last iii even have stations. Those have been divided amidst both real systems and are assigned correctly now.
    • The new property is_rare has been added to the nightly commodities.json.
  • 28-12-15: Open Letter to Borderland Developments
  • 27-12-xv: Some modest updates:
    • The settings and properties of the Station Finder tin can be bookmarked and reloaded via a Perma Link now.
    • A new sortable column has been added to the result tabular array of the Station Finder: Toll Historic period.
    • 2 new properties have been added to the nightly station.json dump: station.market_updated_at (Unixtimestamp of the last cost update) and station.is_planetary.
  • 23-12-fifteen: EDDB and Horizons!

    With the release of Horizons, a lot has been done in order to make EDDB as fix equally possible for the new content.

    • All new bolt have been added.
    • The new station blazon Planetary Outpost and the new economic system Colony have been added
    • Unknown stations coming from EDDN are being created automatically. Those are likely planetary stations and are tagged as those. Likewise, shipyard messages for planetary stations go rejected.
    • The complete EDDN backlog has been reapplied properly and all the data has been cleaned as much as possible.
    • A new mark reflects planetary stations throughout EDDB -
    • The Single Route Finder, the Loop Route Finder and the Multi Hop Merchandise Route Finder Practise NOT include planetary stations by default. Yous take to enable that in the station filter. The country is existence saved in your profile of course!
    • Found a issues? Missing a feature? Don't hesitate to contact united states of america!
  • 25-ten-15: Improved Powerplay and API version crash-land

    • The Powerplay section has been improved - more information and more accurate data!
    • Powerplay filters take been added to the Station Finder
    • The nightly data dumps take been updated to v4 - including more than accurate Powerplay data, station modules and ships. Read the changelog!
  • fifteen-ten-15: EDDB proudly presents: Station Search & Find!
    • Discover your stations that sell the ship and the modules you lot want.
    • Filter past Allegiance, Star Distance, Landing Pad and many more.
    • Sort by the altitude to your location.
  • 06-x-xv: EDDB now runs on a new server! More RAM, more than CPU, more SSD, more performance!
  • 21-09-15: EDDB now fully supports Shipyard information! This includes the EDDN data equally well as manual editing via ROSS. On EDDB the selling ship list is visible on the station page for at present. A search function will be added later!
  • 17-09-15: Finally added a Links section!
  • xvi-09-fifteen: Again a lot of functioning optimization has been done. Station pages with a large amount of historical data will load faster now. But more important: On the lesser of the station page you will find the x about profitable loops (if there are any...). Simply click on the link in the overview box to coil down fast. Enjoy!
  • fourteen-09-15: Added links to the Simbad Astronomical Database to the organization page where possible!
  • fourteen-09-15: All station pages received links to the Single and Multi Hop Road Trader with pre-populated station info. This should make upward for the purge of the sometime Unmarried Finder that was still active on the station folio. If you still miss whatever functionality, don't hesitate to contact united states of america!
  • 13-09-15: I did a massive code cleanup. Please study any kind of malfunction! Everything should run smooth but you never know :)
  • 01-07-15: The whole Unmarried Hop Route Finder has been reworked and at present offers filters like the others already have. Enjoy!
  • 21-06-15: Added Powerplay to EDDB!
  • 18-06-15: EDDB at present supports EDDN schema v2!
  • 16-05-15: The EDDN message log has been added to ROSS. Particularly useful to debug the price update stream.
  • 08-05-15: New trade helper: Loop Route Finder! Notice loftier turn a profit round trips well-nigh you. If you wanna become for highest turn a profit possible, requite it a endeavour!
  • 19-04-15: Added some rare commodities and Limpets. Those which accept a chance of beingness illegal in some stations, so the commodity lists tin exist consummate.
  • 14-04-15: Added the distance to star filter to the single route finder.
  • 15-03-fifteen: The JSON dump has been updated. The version is now v3. Read more!
  • 14-03-15: It's been a while. And the waiting was worth information technology! As of now, EDDB has a Multi Hop Trade Route Finder!
  • 05-02-xv: A lot of data cleanup! Highly frequented stations (at least 5 EDDN transmits) should not have whatever fake article listings anymore. The station charts benefit also!
  • 04-02-fifteen: In the station commodity market tabular array a new push has been added: The chart symbol opens a toll evolution chart!
  • 01-02-xv: The EDDB family proudly presents:   - Repository Orbiter of Southwardystems and Due southtations
    It's the backend of EDDB. Everybody can add and update system and station information for EDDB. Wanna know more? Read the FAQ!
  • 02-02-15: The JSON dump has changed!
  • 22-01-ane: User accounts have been added to EDDB. For more information read the FAQ.
  • 19-01-15: As of at present the core data of EDDB gets dumped as JSON every night for everybody to download.
  • 18-01-15: During the last 24 hours EDDB had massive server lags due to a hoster outcome. Seems fixed now...
  • 15-01-15: Distance from station to star has been added.
  • 15-01-15: Commodity folio every bit a new search function now! Find closest stations that buy or sell.
  • 14-01-fifteen: Added last update information to article prices.
  • 14-01-15: Blackmarket / max station landing pad size was imported from Maddavo's Market place Share! Info is visible in all station lists. Also a route filter has been added.
  • 13-01-15: Fixed a couple of pocket-sized bugs and cleaned up the codebase. Please don't hesitate to drop me a message if you experience whatsoever unexpected beliefs!


Source: https://eddb.io/

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